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Wildstein List - a list of the names of the IPN file signatures recorded by the communist secret services.

The given name - KOBIERZYCKA DANUTA - is on the list 2 razy.


Pages: 1

REMEMBER!, even the rarest surname can have a lot of people. 'Wildstein List' is a list of the names associated with the numbers identifying the documents in the archives of the Institute of National Remembrance. The Wildstein List is a list which contains the names of some 162,617 (originally thought to contain 240,000) individuals who are believed to either have worked for the Polish Służba Bezpieczeństwa (secret intelligence service of the socialist era), or who SB considered recruiting (with or without their knowledge), or who were under investigation by SB. It is named after the reporter who supposedly secretly copied the list from the national archives, Bronisław Wildstein. The list eventually found its way to the Internet.

How to read a list of Wildstein?

Catalog was developed in the form of a file Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or XLS format. As is apparent from the information disclosed during the events included a simple list of items (lines), which sets out four information (columns) that characterize the given folder:

Signature briefcases designation given by the Institute of National Remembrance
First and last name Registered indication of the person concerned briefcase
Unit the name of the entity that created or transferred to the IPN files
The database name determine the type of act, which included portfolio

Twice the presence of one person on the list may have been due to the fact that mustered two people with the same personal data, or that one person had founded two things - eg. Development and investigation, but also to work out, then cooperation. Absence from the list meant that holds IPN was not on the person's folder - there was a briefcase or been destroyed, or not yet mustered. The catalog is available in the reading room of the IPN were seen only the first two columns. The other two were hidden using a standard sheet mechanism, which probably was considered data protection contained therein. Such protection was obviously illusory and easy to circumvent. These data were available from the beginning of the dissemination of Letters Wildstein on the internet, but it is not known whether the data previously available in PDF files contain only the data, or the data from the columns of "covered".


This disclosure due to the extreme scarcity of information and lack of official interpretation of the IPN nastręczały significant difficulties in their proper interpretation. For a time, the only possible clue was a signature, built according to the following structure:

IPN designation BU No.1 / No.2

IPN BU meant Sharing Office (and Archiving Data) IPN. No.1 and No.2 elements were ordinal and not only aroused interest. However, in the first period of the dissemination of Letters Wildstein likely to be a key to distinguish between the role of the persons was hypothetically considered part of the designation. Unfortunately, his interpretation was unclear, since the information provided on the Internet did not rely on any basis, and public statements by the representatives of the IPN were contradictory as shown in the following table (statement of Professor. Friszkego of 31 January 2005. Was also sold in the internet, and prof. Paczkowski gave its opinion on 9 February 2005. along with the suggestion that prof. Friszke is wrong). The table shows, there are other interpretations appearing on the internet without giving a source.

Desig. by prof. Friszkego by prof. Paczkowskiego no source
lack --- --- full-time employee
PF --- --- Confidential
0 employee secret SB officer
00 secret collaborator or candidate for secret collaborator top secret ---
000 --- --- secret, special meaning

The last value of the item identification - indicated only for order - was administered on the Internet, even though the sequence of the three leading zeros in the available data did not exist. Moreover, according to other information briefcase TW and TW candidates determined the then clause secret special meaning. Knowledge of the above. Data not thus authorized to sentencing, whether the portfolio relates to an agent, but such incidents have occurred.

Name and surname

The last value of the item identification - indicated only for order - was administered on the Internet, even though the sequence of the three leading zeros in the available data did not exist. Moreover, according to other information briefcase TW and TW candidates determined the then clause secret special meaning. Knowledge of the above. Data not thus authorized to sentencing, whether the portfolio relates to an agent, but such incidents have occurred.

Source: Wildstein list - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,